Test Plans

This chapter explains how to create, search, clone, edit, tag, print, disable, and export a Test Plan in Kiwi TCMS.

Searching for Test Plans

To view the Test Plans you have created, click Personal menu::My Test Plans.

My Test Plans menu

Other Test Plans can be searched via the SEARCH item in the Main menu:

  1. Click SEARCH::Search Test Plans

    The Search menu

  2. In the Search Plan screen, enter the required search details.

    The Search Plan screen

  3. Click the Search button and the search results appear.

  4. To sort on a column, click the column heading.

    Click column to sort by.


There is no need to use wildcard characters. The search results show all occurrences of the string, regardless of location. For example, searching for the Plan Name ‘x11’ will return plans named ‘xorg-x11’ and ‘libX11’.

Creating a Test Plan

A Test Plan should identify which features of a product will be tested and what the overall test strategy is. This is a high level document which should not include specific testing steps. It is recommended to use an IEEE 829 Test Plan format but you are free to enter any kind of text. To create a Test Plan:

  1. From the Main menu, click TESTING::New Test Plan.

    The Planning menu 1

  2. In the Create New Test Plan screen, perform the following actions:

    • Enter the Name

    • Select the Product

    • Select the Version

    • Select the Type of Test Plan

    • Enter the Parent ID, this is optional

    • In the Plan Document text box enter the details of the Test Plan

    • Enter a Reference Link to any additional information (eg. a wiki page), this is optional

    The Create New Test Plans screen

  3. Click the Save button

Cloning a Test Plan

Cloning allows a user to replicate an existing Test Plan for a new product or a new version of the current product. To clone a Test Plan:

  1. Open the Test Plan which will be cloned.

  2. From the object navigation menu click the Clone item.

    Test plan action buttons

  3. In the Clone TestPlan screen, perform the following actions:

    • Enter the Name.

    • In Product, select the product.

    • In Version, select the version.

    • Tick the Clone TCs if you want to clone test cases, otherwise they will be only linked into new TP

    • Tick the Parent TP if you want create parent-child relation to new TP

    The Clone Test Plan screen

  4. Click the Clone button and the new Test Plan will be created.

Editing a Test Plan

The Edit function modifies fields in a Test Plan. It does not change any Test Cases or Test Runs associated with the Test Plan. To edit a Test Plan:

  1. Open the Test Plan to be edited.

  2. From the object navigation menu click the Edit item.

    Test plan action buttons

  3. Edit the fields as required:

    Edit a Test Plan

  4. Click the Save button.

Change History

To view changes of a Test Plan document:

  1. Open the Test Plan

  2. From the object navigation menu click the History item

    Test plan action buttons

Bulk update

To perform bulk-update for selected test cases:

  1. Select the test cases to be updated

  2. Click the bulk-update menu dropdown

    Test Plan bulk-update

  3. Select which attribute to update

  4. Enter the new value

  5. Click OK.

Disabling a Test Plan

A disabled Test Plan can not be used to create Test Runs. However, unlike deletion, it does not permanently remove the Test Plan from the database. It is best to disable older Test Plans instead of deleting them otherwise you will lose your testing history. To disable a Test Plan:

  1. Open the Test Plan to be disabled.

  2. From the object navigation menu click the Edit item.

  3. At the bottom of the screen toggle the Active button to Off

    Test Plan Active Button

  4. Click on Save button to confirm changes.

The plan headline changes to a strike-through font.

Test Plan Disabled

Re-enable a Test Plan

To enable a disabled plan:

  1. From the object navigation menu click the Edit item

  2. Toggle Active button to On

  3. Click on Save button to confirm changes.

Exporting Test Cases from a Test Plan

See Import-Export functionality.