Source code for tcms.issuetracker.types

    This module implements Kiwi TCMS interface to external issue tracking systems.
    Refer to each implementor class for integration specifics!

from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse

import github
import gitlab
import jira
import redminelib
from django.conf import settings

from tcms.core.contrib.linkreference.models import LinkReference
from tcms.issuetracker.base import IssueTrackerType
from tcms.issuetracker.bugzilla_integration import (  # noqa, pylint: disable=unused-import

# conditional import b/c this App can be disabled
if "tcms.bugs.apps.AppConfig" in settings.INSTALLED_APPS:
    from tcms.issuetracker.kiwitcms import (  # noqa, pylint: disable=unused-import

[docs]class JIRA(IssueTrackerType): """ Support for JIRA. Requires: :base_url: the URL of this JIRA instance. For example :api_username: an email address registered with JIRA :api_password: API token for this username, see .. important:: The field ``API URL`` is not used for Jira integration and can be left blank! Additional control can be applied via the ``JIRA_OPTIONS`` configuration setting (in ````). By default this setting is not provided and the code uses ``jira.JIRA.DEFAULT_OPTIONS`` from the ``jira`` Python module! """ def _rpc_connection(self): if hasattr(settings, "JIRA_OPTIONS"): options = settings.JIRA_OPTIONS else: options = None (api_username, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return jira.JIRA( self.bug_system.base_url, basic_auth=(api_username, api_password), options=options, )
[docs] def is_adding_testcase_to_issue_disabled(self): (api_username, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return not (self.bug_system.base_url and api_username and api_password)
[docs] @classmethod def bug_id_from_url(cls, url): """ Jira IDs are the last group of chars at the end of the URL. For example will return an ID of JENKINS-31044 """ return url.strip().split("/")[-1]
[docs] def details(self, url): try: issue = self.rpc.issue(self.bug_id_from_url(url)) return { "title": issue.fields.summary, "description": issue.fields.description, } except jira.exceptions.JIRAError: return super().details(url)
[docs] def get_issue_type_from_jira(self, project_key): """ Returns the issue type from the actual Jira instance. Will try to return ``settings.JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE`` if it exists, otherwise will return the first found! You may override this method if you want more control and customization, see .. versionadded:: 11.4 """ try: return self.rpc.issue_type_by_name(settings.JIRA_ISSUE_TYPE, project_key) except KeyError: return self.rpc.issue_types()[0]
[docs] def get_project_from_jira(self, execution): """ Returns the project from the actual Jira instance. Will try to match ````, otherwise will return the first found! You may override this method if you want more control and customization, see .. versionadded:: 11.4 """ search_for = projects_in_jira = self.rpc.projects() for project in self.rpc.projects(): if ( == search_for) or ( project.key.lower() == search_for ): return project return projects_in_jira[0]
def _report_issue(self, execution, user): """ JIRA Project == Kiwi TCMS Product, otherwise defaults to the first found Issue Type == Bug or the first one found If 1-click bug report doesn't work then fall back to manual reporting! For the HTML API description see: """ project = self.get_project_from_jira(execution) issue_type = self.get_issue_type_from_jira(project.key) try: new_issue = self.rpc.create_issue(, issuetype={"name":}, summary=f"Failed test: {}", description=self._report_comment(execution, user), ) new_url = self.bug_system.base_url + "/browse/" + new_issue.key # add a link reference that will be shown in the UI LinkReference.objects.get_or_create( execution=execution, url=new_url, is_defect=True, ) return (new_issue, new_url) except jira.exceptions.JIRAError: pass args = { "pid":, "issuetype":, "summary": f"Failed test: {}", "description": self._report_comment(execution, user), } url = self.bug_system.base_url if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" return ( None, url + "/secure/CreateIssueDetails!init.jspa?" + urlencode(args, True), )
[docs] def post_comment(self, execution, bug_id): self.rpc.add_comment(bug_id, self.text(execution))
[docs]class GitHub(IssueTrackerType): """ Support for GitHub. Requires: :base_url: URL to a GitHub repository for which we're going to report issues :api_password: GitHub API token - needs ``repo`` or ``public_repo`` permissions .. note:: You can leave the ``api_url`` and ``api_username`` fields blank because the integration code doesn't use them! """ def _rpc_connection(self): (_, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials # NOTE: we use an access token so only the password field is required return github.Github(api_password)
[docs] def is_adding_testcase_to_issue_disabled(self): (_, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return not (self.bug_system.base_url and api_password)
def _report_issue(self, execution, user): """ GitHub only supports title and body parameters """ args = { "title": f"Failed test: {}", "body": self._report_comment(execution, user), } try: repo = self.rpc.get_repo(self.repo_id) issue = repo.create_issue(**args) # add a link reference that will be shown in the UI LinkReference.objects.get_or_create( execution=execution, url=issue.html_url, is_defect=True, ) return (issue, issue.html_url) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # something above didn't work so return a link for manually # entering issue details with info pre-filled url = self.bug_system.base_url if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" return (None, url + "/issues/new?" + urlencode(args, True))
[docs] def details(self, url): """ Use GitHub's API instead of OpenGraph to return bug details b/c it will work for both public and private URLs. """ repo = self.rpc.get_repo(self.repo_id) issue = repo.get_issue(self.bug_id_from_url(url)) return { "title": issue.title, "description": issue.body, }
@property def repo_id(self): repo_id = self.bug_system.base_url.strip().strip("/").lower() repo_id = ( repo_id.replace("https://", "") .replace("http://", "") .replace("", "") ) return repo_id
[docs] def post_comment(self, execution, bug_id): repo = self.rpc.get_repo(self.repo_id) repo.get_issue(bug_id).create_comment(self.text(execution))
[docs]class Gitlab(IssueTrackerType): """ Support for GitLab. Requires: :base_url: URL to a GitLab repository for which we're going to report issues. For example :api_url: URL to a GitLab instance. For example :api_password: GitLab API token with the ``api`` scope. See .. note:: You can leave ``api_username`` field blank because the integration code doesn't use it! """ def _rpc_connection(self): (_, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials # we use an access token so only the password field is required return gitlab.Gitlab(self.bug_system.api_url, private_token=api_password)
[docs] def is_adding_testcase_to_issue_disabled(self): (_, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return not (self.bug_system.api_url and api_password)
def _report_issue(self, execution, user): project = self.rpc.projects.get(self.repo_id) new_issue = project.issues.create( { "title": f"Failed test: {}", "description": self._report_comment(execution, user), } ) # and also add a link reference that will be shown in the UI LinkReference.objects.get_or_create( execution=execution, url=new_issue.attributes["web_url"], is_defect=True, ) return (new_issue, new_issue.attributes["web_url"])
[docs] def details(self, url): """ Use Gitlab API instead of OpenGraph to return bug details b/c it will work for both public and private URLs. """ project = self.rpc.projects.get(self.repo_id) issue = project.issues.get(self.bug_id_from_url(url)) return { "title": issue.title, "description": issue.description, }
@property def repo_id(self): return urlparse(self.bug_system.base_url).path.strip("/")
[docs] def post_comment(self, execution, bug_id): repo = self.rpc.projects.get(self.repo_id) repo.issues.get(bug_id).notes.create({"body": self.text(execution)})
[docs]class Redmine(IssueTrackerType): """ Support for Redmine. Requires: :base_url: the URL for this Redmine instance. For example :api_username: a username registered in Redmine :api_password: the password for this username """
[docs] def is_adding_testcase_to_issue_disabled(self): (api_username, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return not (self.bug_system.base_url and api_username and api_password)
def _rpc_connection(self): (api_username, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return redminelib.Redmine( self.bug_system.base_url, username=api_username, password=api_password, )
[docs] def details(self, url): try: issue = self.rpc.issue.get(self.bug_id_from_url(url)) return { "title": issue.subject, "description": issue.description, } except redminelib.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: return super().details(url)
[docs] def redmine_project_by_name(self, name): """ Return a Redmine project which matches the given product name. Will try to match ````, otherwise will return the first found! """ all_projects = self.rpc.project.all() for project in all_projects: if == name: return project return all_projects[0]
[docs] @staticmethod def redmine_tracker_by_name(project, name): """ Return a Redmine tracker matching name ('Bugs'). If there is no match then return the first one! """ all_trackers = project.trackers for tracker in all_trackers: if == name.lower(): return tracker return all_trackers[0]
[docs] def redmine_priority_by_name(self, name): all_priorities = self.rpc.enumeration.filter(resource="issue_priorities") for priority in all_priorities: if == name.lower(): return priority return all_priorities[0]
def _report_issue(self, execution, user): project = self.redmine_project_by_name( tracker = self.redmine_tracker_by_name(project, settings.REDMINE_TRACKER_NAME) # the first Issue Status in Redmine status = self.rpc.issue_status.all()[0] # try matching TC.priority with IssuePriority in Redmine priority = self.redmine_priority_by_name( new_issue = self.rpc.issue.create( subject=f"Failed test: {}", description=self._report_comment(execution, user),,,,, ) new_url = f"{self.bug_system.base_url}/issues/{}" # and also add a link reference that will be shown in the UI LinkReference.objects.get_or_create( execution=execution, url=new_url, is_defect=True, ) return (new_issue, new_url)
[docs] def post_comment(self, execution, bug_id): self.rpc.issue.get(bug_id).save(notes=self.text(execution))