Source code for tcms.issuetracker.azure_boards

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import requests
from django.conf import settings
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

from tcms.core.contrib.linkreference.models import LinkReference
from tcms.core.templatetags.extra_filters import markdown2html
from tcms.issuetracker.base import IssueTrackerType

class AzureBoardsAPI:
    Azure Boards API interaction class.

    :meta private:

    def __init__(self, base_url=None, password=None):
        self.api_version = f"?api-version={settings.AZURE_BOARDS_API_VERSION}"
        self.headers = {
            "Accept": "application/json-patch+json",
            "Content-type": "application/json-patch+json",
        self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth("apikey", password)
        self.base_url = base_url + "/_apis/"

    def get_issue(self, issue_id):
        url = f"{self.base_url}wit/workItems/{issue_id}{self.api_version}"
        return self._request("GET", url, headers=self.headers, auth=self.auth)

    def create_issue(self, body):
        url = f"{self.base_url}wit/workItems/$Issue{self.api_version}"
        return self._request(
            "POST", url, headers=self.headers, auth=self.auth, json=body

    def update_issue(self, issue_id, body):
        url = f"{self.base_url}wit/workItems/{issue_id}{self.api_version}"
        return self._request(
            "PATCH", url, headers=self.headers, auth=self.auth, json=body

    def get_comments(self, issue_id):
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
        url = f"{self.base_url}wit/workItems/{issue_id}/comments{self.api_version}-preview.3"
        return self._request("GET", url, headers=headers, auth=self.auth)

    def add_comment(self, issue_id, body):
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
        url = f"{self.base_url}wit/workItems/{issue_id}/comments{self.api_version}-preview.3"
        return self._request("POST", url, headers=headers, auth=self.auth, json=body)

    def delete_comment(self, issue_id, comment_id):
        headers = {"Content-type": "application/json"}
        url = (
        return requests.request(
            "DELETE", url, headers=headers, auth=self.auth, timeout=30

    def _request(method, url, **kwargs):
        return requests.request(method, url, timeout=30, **kwargs).json()

[docs] class AzureBoards(IssueTrackerType): """ Support for AzureBoards. Requires: :base_url: URL to AzureBoards Project - e.g.{organization}/{project} :api_password: AzureBoards API token - requires "Read & Write" permission .. note:: You can leave the ``api_url`` and ``api_username`` fields blank because the integration code doesn't use them! """ def _rpc_connection(self): (_, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return AzureBoardsAPI(self.bug_system.base_url, api_password)
[docs] def is_adding_testcase_to_issue_disabled(self): (_, api_password) = self.rpc_credentials return not (self.bug_system.base_url and api_password)
def _report_issue(self, execution, user): """ AzureBoards creates the Work Item with Title """ create_body = [ { "op": "add", "path": "/fields/System.Title", "from": "null", "value": f"Failed test: {}", } ] update_body = [ { "op": "replace", "path": "/fields/System.Description", "from": "null", "value": markdown2html(self._report_comment(execution, user)), } ] try: issue = self.rpc.create_issue(create_body) self.rpc.update_issue(issue["id"], update_body) issue_url = ( self.bug_system.base_url + "/_workitems/edit/" + str(issue["id"]) ) # add a link reference that will be shown in the UI LinkReference.objects.get_or_create( execution=execution, url=issue_url, is_defect=True, ) return (issue, issue_url) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # something above didn't work so return a link for manually # entering issue details with info pre-filled url = self.bug_system.base_url if not url.endswith("/"): url += "/" return (None, url + "_workitems/create/Issue")
[docs] def post_comment(self, execution, bug_id): # NOTE: Posting comment is in preview state in API v6.0. comment_body = {"text": markdown2html(self.text(execution))} self.rpc.add_comment(bug_id, comment_body)
[docs] def details(self, url): """ Return issue details from Azure Board """ issue = self.rpc.get_issue(self.bug_id_from_url(url)) return { "id": issue["id"], "description": issue["fields"]["System.Description"], "status": issue["fields"]["System.State"], "title": issue["fields"]["System.Title"], "url": url, }