.. _configuration: Kiwi TCMS configuration settings ================================ All sensible settings are defined in ``tcms/settings/common.py``. You will have to update some of them for your particular production environment. .. note:: After adjusting settings for your environment you have to configure Kiwi TCMS via its web interface! As a minimum you have to :ref:`configure-kiwi-domain` and :ref:`configure-bug-trackers`! .. note:: Additional information how to override Kiwi TCMS behavior can be found at ``_! .. literalinclude:: ../../tcms/settings/common.py :language: python Augmenting behavior with signal handlers ---------------------------------------- Kiwi TCMS defines signals which are triggered during specific events. Administrators may override the default handlers and/or connect additional ones to augment the default behavior of Kiwi TCMS. For more information refer to :mod:`tcms.signals`. Language and emojis ------------------- By default our ``docker-compose.yml`` file is configured with MariaDB and uses charset ``utf8mb4`` and collation ``utf8mb4_unicode_ci``. That should be sufficient to support many languages plus emojis. If you are having troubles consult `MariaDB Character Sets and Collations `_ documentation. If you need to change the default settings see ``docker-compose.yml`` or ``/etc/mysql/conf.d/mariadb.cnf`` if using a stand alone DB server! On the application side see ``DATABASES['default']['OPTIONS']`` in ``tcms/settings/common.py``. Time zone settings ------------------ By default Kiwi TCMS is configured to use the ``UTC`` time zone. ``/etc/localtime`` inside the docker image also points to ``/usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC``! The settings which control this behavior are: - ``USE_TZ`` - controls whether or not Django uses timezone-aware datetime objects internally. Can also be controlled via ``KIWI_USE_TZ`` environment variable - ``TIME_ZONE`` - a string representing the time zone for this application. This should match the actual configuration of your server/docker container! Can also be controlled via ``KIWI_TIME_ZONE`` environment variable. Your server/docker container clock should also match the accurate time of day! .. important:: Unlike language there is no way to automatically receive time zone information from the browser and display different values for users. Instead Kiwi TCMS displays the current server time & time zone in the navigation bar! All other timestamps are in the same time zone! .. _email-settings: E-mail settings --------------- Kiwi TCMS supports email notifications which by default are sent over SMTP and need to be configured via the following settings: - Common settings:: SERVER_EMAIL = DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = 'kiwi@example.com' # additional Kiwi TCMS setting EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX = '[Kiwi-TCMS] ' - SMTP specific settings:: EMAIL_HOST = 'smtp.example.com' EMAIL_PORT = 25 EMAIL_HOST_USER = 'smtp_username' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD = 'smtp_password' To enable SSL or TLS support include one of the following:: EMAIL_USE_TLS = True EMAIL_USE_SSL = True For more details refer to Django documentation at https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/topics/email/ Testing and debugging e-mail configuration ------------------------------------------ Sending test e-mail to one or more addresses:: docker exec -it kiwi_web /Kiwi/manage.py sendtestemail user1@example1.tld user2@example2.tld ... More details at: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/ref/django-admin/#sendtestemail Using Amazon SES instead of SMTP email -------------------------------------- If you'd like to use an external email service, like Amazon SES you need to configure the following settings too:: EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django_ses.SESBackend' AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' AWS_SES_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' Also modify ``Dockerfile`` to include the following lines:: RUN pip install django_ses .. warning:: The django-ses add-on is available as part of Kiwi TCMS Enterprise! Kerberos authentication ----------------------- See `kiwitcms-auth-kerberos `_. Anonymous read-only access -------------------------- .. versionchanged:: 8.7 By default Kiwi TCMS requires :ref:`permissions`, including view permissions which means users must be logged in! If you wish to allow anonymous read-only access then define the following setting:: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS = [ 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend', 'guardian.backends.ObjectPermissionBackend', 'tcms.kiwi_auth.backends.AnonymousViewBackend', ] .. versionadded:: 8.7 ``tcms.kiwi_auth.backends.AnonymousViewBackend`` was added instead of the previous ``PUBLIC_VIEWS`` setting. .. versionchanged:: 8.8 ``guardian.backends.ObjectPermissionBackend`` was added and the ``AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS`` setting is now explicitly specified!